UX and UI Design at Clever Garden

  • #Communication/marketing/performances commerciales
  • #Marque et stratégie
  • #Web & UX Design

Clever Age is composed of 3 main teams of specific competences to handle the different aspects of a digital project. Clever Garden is the name of our team of designers and front-end specialists.

Clever Garden logo

Clever Garden represents about 30 people including UX designers, UI designers, Art directors and front-end developers spread across the different agencies of the group.

We are convinced that today it is not possible to build or revamp a digital platform without considering final users, and taking into account their behaviour, their needs and expectations, but also their emotions. This drives our approach to any project where we try to involve users as much as possible into the conception and test phases.

Our methodology is based on the principles of Design Thinking and is divided in 6 parts which can be adjusted depending on the context of each project.

Our approach is based on the principles of Design Thinking, focused on problem solving.

Discovering what the problem is to find innovative solutions

Some explanations…

  1. Empathize : In this phase, we focus on the end users of the digital platform to be built. We learn about them in order to better serve them through a consistent and relevant design. During this phase we also understand the context of the project to cope with potential constraints that may be technical, marketing, accessibility, mobile first etc…). #empathy #interviews #focusgroup #personas #analytics #ethnography
  2. Define : Based on the information collected during the previous phase, we will be able to define the overall framework of the solution. #userjourney #experiencemap #cardsorting #benchmark
  3. Ideate : The objective is to elaborate solutions in term of interface through co-creation workshops. #sketching #brainstorming #zoning #paperboard #postit
  4. Prototype design : We formalise our ideas into mockups. They may be static / dynamic, low / high fidelity… It all depends on the need and what we do next. #wireframe #sketch #adobeXD #axure #invision #graphicdesign
  5. Test : We will be able to evaluate the prototype screens with a UX expert or directly with real users in order to validate or not the choices made in term of ergonomy or design, contents and the tone. #ergonomy #useracceptancetest #labtesting #remotetesting #guerillatesting #ABtesting #analytics
  6. Implement : The graphic prototypes are then transformed in to web pages. #HTML #CSS #JS

Depending on the projects, we may choose to focus on only a few phases of this methodology : for instance the phase 4, prototyping and then the design of mock-ups and implementation of pages. We could also realize broader study going all the way from phase 1 (Empathize) to phase 5 (Test), including user interviewsfocus groupuser journey, co-creation workshops like sketchingwireframes, user acceptance test like lab-testing, etc…

See the reference (in french)

You would like to know more about the work delivered by Clever Garden ? Reach out to us