Context :
Wishing to pursue its growth on the African continent, the Canal + Group has launched a new and more affordable offer via a TV bundle of 30 channels covering all themes (entertainment, youth, sports, …)
This offer is first launched in the region of Pointe-Noire in Congo before being extended to other regions and countries.
Client request :
The website www.easy.tv comes in line with the launch of this offer, providing a digital communication tool in order to introduce the offers, the subscription options as well as the program guide and a FAQ.
In order to target the African population who is very much inclined to mobile use, the website had to be mobile first with responsive variants for tablets and desktop.
The diversity of the mobile costumer base as well as the instability of the digital network has guided our choice to go for an isomorphic architecture which enables the delivery of a full Web page suitable for everyone (as it is generated entirely and quickly server-side) before making a gradual improvement client-side according to the capabilities of the browser used (including the JavaScript support, see our article)
To implement this choice we used Node.JS, React.JS and Redux technologies which make it possible for a JavaScript code to be executable both server-side and client-side.
The Project
Clever Age first assisted and advised the Canal + teams in charge of creating prototypes to bring them close in line with a digital version, in responsive web design and mobile first in particular.

This was followed by a rather short development phase of a few weeks which required performing simultaneously the HTML/CSS integration, JavaScript development and the implementation of the server infrastructure and the deployment process.
Working alongside for over 4 years, our good knowledge of Canal+ Overseas’ technical ecosystem and its various services and APIs allowed us to meet this schedule and to keep in line with the expected scope.