Clever Age has been chosen to re-design the new website of the Elysee

Seven years after the initial revamp of the Elysee’s website, the presidency of the French Republic decided to trust Clever Age again in order to help them modernise their site
The digital communication service of the Presidency of the French Republic had 4 main objectives :
- Represent the Presidency on the digital channels (website, social media, etc.)
- Create contents (photos, videos, graphic design, etc.)
- Manage the website
- Be the referent in terms of design guidelines
The digital communication service wished to revamp his website dating from the previous presidential mandate. Their request is to make it clearer and more relevant.
Clever Age was selected as the integrator of choice. The mission consisted in :
- Operate the integration required for the creation and modification of the websites, emails and other HTML base documents, handled by the digital communication service
- Develop the animations and behaviors, based on the documentation produced during the design phase
- Product HTML & JS code that is RGAA compliant in terms of web accessibility and UI rules. The web accessibility expert checked the modifications made and validated the compliance.
- Guarantee the compatibility with the most popular desktop and mobile browsers on the market (Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge).
One of the key success criteria was to strive for excellence in terms of design, code quality, performance, security, and RGAA compliance.
In order to deliver the broad functional scope and a tight planning, it was decided to define an MVP in order to respect deadlines and resources.

- Modular development for a dynamic site : from the back office the contributor can build pages (articles, files…) using components. During the scoping phase, Elysee and Clever Age teams decided to build a back office with personalized and fully configurable components. In-depth work has been done using models to identify all the components : Carrousel, responsive images, video block, text block.. The content template is itself flexible to create fully personalized and unique pages. In total, more than 20 components are available for the pages contribution. The advanced personalization has been facilitated by the flexibility of the Symfony framework.
- The Scrum methodology was adopted by both Clever Age and Elysee teams to allow a first delivery on time.
- MVP release and continuous improvement : the MVP is online since november 2018. Further improvements of the website continues with the development of new components, continuous improvements, web performance optimization, and RGAA compliance.

The website has been well received by the members of the Presidency of the Republic, its features and its design bring a real added value to the Elysee’s communication.