Supported by the French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), the Carnot Institute Qualiment® provides the necessary scientific and technological resources to support businesses with their projects, whether to optimize existing processes or to develop new food products.
To respond to this economic, environmental and public health challenge, graduate schools AgroCampus Ouest, AgroParisTech and AgroSupDijon, the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the Research Center for Human Nutrition (CRNH), the Technical Center for the Conservation of Agricultural Products (CTCPA), the INRA, the National College of Veterinary Medicine, Food Science and Engineering (Oniris), the Technology Transfer Accelerator Company (SATT Grand Est), the University of Clermont Auvergne, the University of Avignon and the University of Burgundy have collaborated to create a network of laboratories that has been labeled “Carnot Institute” by the French Ministry of National Education, Higher Education and Research.

The goal of the Carnot Institute Qualiment® is to facilitate and promote research partnerships between public laboratories and private companies, and to allow food manufacturers to benefit from the scientific excellence of these public organizations. It is a real gateway to food-related public research and offers a range of complementary competencies in this field: from the study of molecular and cellular mechanisms to consumer behavior, the eco-design of food products, or nutritional and sensory studies.
- produces 640 A-grade publications per year,
- collaborates with 200 companies every year,
- on 270 research contracts, and
- gathers 650 researchers, engineers, postdocs and PhD students across 14 research entities and 12 technology platforms located throughout the French territory.
Clever Age’s mission: an SEO audit
Clever Age was commissioned by Qualiment to audit its website in order to identify the changes needed to improve its SEO.
The SEO audit of the existing website was based on three axes of analysis:
- Technical strategy: organization of the website, loading time
- Content strategy: HTML, tags, word count, duplicate content
- Communication strategy: social media, research articles
Dareboost & Oncrawl were used to conduct this review.

Following this audit, a list of recommendations was submitted to Qualiment.