Workshop digitalization – Asia

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  • On April 20th in Hong Kong, China

How to Get Started and Which Vendors to Rely On

e-Commerce – Omni-channel support – CXM – PIM – DAM – CMS – Marketing Automation… 2015 is the year enterprises are going seriously digital. For all the teams on board, it is essential not to miss this critical turn. Sure… but what exactly is this all about? We will identify the projects that are essential to a successful digitalization strategy and we will provide an overview of the main Open Source platforms and vendors based on concrete field experience.

The Stakes of a Digitalization Strategy

The main benefits to be expected from a digitalization process (customer experience management, consistency requirement on all online and offline points of contact…)

How to measure digital intensity and managerial commitment to transforming the organization

What concrete results for companies engaged in digitalization projects?

The Key Projects within a Digitalization Strategy

  • Set a Great Ambitious Objective combined with a Lean Startup culture
  • A “Customer-Centric First” orientation — the notions of points of contact and customer journey should be omnipresent
  • The two pillars of digitalization: the products/services repository and the cross-channel customer repository
  • Organizational models that avoid historical silos
  • Marketing vs. IT, project management vs. project ownership…

The Re-Platforming Market

  • Definition of the key components for a state-of-the-art digital platform and target functional architecture:
  • CMS: Content Management System
  • e-Commerce Engine
  • PIM: Product Information Management
  • DAM: Digital Asset Management
  • Analytics
  • Campaign Management & Marketing Automation
  • Cross-channel CRM
  • Flow orchestrator between customer proximity IS / Digital IS / Legacy IS (Legacy CRM, ERP…)

Market Analysis

Overview of the main vendors (Hybris/SAP, Oracle Microsoft, Adobe, Demandware, Microsoft, IBM…) based on our concrete field experience both in consulting and in integration projects. This panorama will cast some light on the reasons behind the many acquisitions that took place over the past two years and it will help you select the most suitable options for your digitalization projects.

Despite a comeback of vendors in the business of re-platforming, we will share our vision of the comfort zone in which Open Source remains efficient and we will present the key market players that can be relied on (Drupal/Drupal Commerce, Akeneo, eZ publish, Magento…)

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